in 2023-2024
Accessibility - Goals
Sites, services, and information meet provincial accessibility standards.
Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) is guided by principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).
Information Technology (IT) is enhanced to support accessible administrative processes and resources.
Safety (physical and psychological) is demonstrated as a core value of the organization.
This year, we achieved:
Developed plan for meeting Provincial Accessibility Standards (built environment) across all HSNS sites.
Implemented Equity, Diversity and Inclusion principles in review of clinical standards.
Ways to reduce inequity in clinical wait times across provincial health zones.
Completed assessment and implementation plan for Assistive Listening Devices and Supports.
Improved on resources to support Virtual Care.
Completed preliminary investigation in remote programming for cochlear implants.
Identified staff resources and strategies to address waitlist pressures.
Communication - Goals
Use range of communication strategies with internal and external stakeholders.
Clients, patients, families, staff, and partners share their experience stories.
Promote Hearing and Speach Nova Scotia (HSNS) (a “household name”) across all communication, services, activities, and products.
This year, we achieved:
512% increased public awareness of HSNS services.
Developed data analytics and visualization supports for quality improvement and transparency of performance.
Shared stories of experience from staff, clients, and volunteers on HSNS website and social media.
Engagement - Goals
Build on professional development and leadership development for all staff.
Use collaborative decision-making and engagement with clients, HSNS staff, and external stakeholders.
Promote recruitment, retention, and a supportive workplace culture.
This year, we achieved:
Improved supports for clients’/families’ informed consent to sharing information.
Established ways for staff to take holiday time to participate in non-Christian observances.
Established strategies to increase staff diversity and to support inclusion.
Implemented new Provincial Preschool Autism Service in collaboration with partners (IWK Health, NSHealth, Autism NS, and Government).